Spring has finally arrived. time to get outside and do some spring cleaning and a few chores. Spring around here brings bugs. I mean crawling yucky bugs like ants and other unwelcome critters. No worries though, I use Diatomaceous Earth
for organic pest control and I love it! I am becoming more aware of how Climate change is affecting us and want to do my part to help the environment.
We don’t use harmful chemicals indoors or outside. Why?
Just a few minutes ago my son called out.. Hey Mom, the dolphins are here! Standing at the back door, He said “Do you hear them breathe?” Four of them were swimming a few yards from our dock. It looked like two adults and two babies. And yes, we really can hear them breathe.
That’s why.
But…it’s ok. I use Diatomaceous Earth for organic pest control. It doesn’t harm the water, our pets or us. It’s not expensive and it’s easy to find.
What exactly is this stuff? Diatomaceous Earth also known as “DE” is made of tiny fossilized aquatic animals called diatoms. It’s microscopic skeletons which are made of silica. It’s also found in toothpaste, rubber, water filters and paints to name a few of the other uses for DE. It’s not a poison. It kills the insects by drying out the oils and fats in its exoskeleton. I’ve also read that it nicks the exoskeleton because the microscopic edges are very sharp. Either way, it means no more creepy bugs.
How do you use Diatomaceous Earth for organic pest control? We wear gloves because it’s an irritant and use a spoon to sprinkle it over the ant mounds or anywhere bugs crawl. My experience is that it takes a few days to get results. The package says it works in 24 hours. It probably does and we simply have a lot of ants!
Diatomaceous Earth for organic pest control has worked well for us, saves money and is a terrific alternative to harmful chemicals. Where can you find it? Click on any Diatomaceous Earth link in my post. I found this crazy good deal in Amazon after I bought my supply. This is where I’ll buy my next bag. I also liked the food grade because I know my animals and wildlife are protected even more when I use the food grade quality. Otherwise,
DE is in the garden section of your local home improvement store. Again, ONLY use Diatomaceous earth in food grade or one that’s made for gardens in the garden. Other types such as pool DE may have added chemicals that could be harmful.
Living on the water has helped our family be aware of the importance of being green. We aren’t hardcore, we just try to do simple things that are good for the environment. I thought this was a fitting post for Earth Day and love to share our green discoveries.
Want more green home care solutions? You may enjoy my posts on Naturally Clean Your Oven Without Chemicals (click here) and my awesome How To Clean Silver Naturally posts.
Looking for more good green living information? Try these books, Do One Thing Green, The Naturally Clean Home 150 Super Easy Herbal Formulas For Green Cleaning
Both are filled with great information.
Do you use diatomaceous earth for natural pest control?
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Jody says
I too use the earth stuff. My side of the street gets ants. This year is worse than last. They are on the counters in droves and in my darn dishwasher! Never before in there. My son put this all around the house, by the doors and across the side walk by front porch. There are less every day but I want them to never come! I am si jealous you can see dolphins close enough to hear them breathing. We got ours at Home Depot. Thanks for all you write about.
Wendi says
Hi again Jody ๐ That’s where I found my DE too. I was thrilled the day I found it as a good alternative to smelly chemicals. Our ants were really bad outside last year and this year looks to be about the same ๐ I wish they’d find a new place to go… at least the DE helps keep them in check. Thanks so much fr your visit!
Glenda says
PLEASE make sure you are using “FOOD GRADE” diatomaceous earth. Use a face shield, and a good filter for nose and mouth, not from the 99 cent store. I am using this to kill fleas in my house. So far I have done 1 bedroom. I bought bedbug covers for my mattress, box springs and pillows. Vacuum well before then I put on the mattress cover and used a pump sprayer to spray into the mattress on both sides and then velcro closed the mattress and then zippered it, same with the pillows bought from WalMart. I’m not taking any chances I want those fleas dead now so they never come back. I will also be using it in my yard to get rid of snails, slugs,, sow bugs etc. And yes you can take it internally and get rid of parasites in your system I do not know the quantity but I am sure you could google it and find out. As I said be sure you wear a face shield, and a good nose and mouth filter. I did not see it at Home Depot nor Lowes I sent to Amazon for it I forget what it cost but it wasn’t much. Bought the shield from them also. You should be able to get it a Farm animal supply shops because they also feed it to their animals. Quantity to give I do not know. Remember “FOOD GRADE” should be on the box or package you buy. If you use DE from pool supply you will be killing everything. DE for pools us usually used in the filter system.
Good Luck everybody.
Wendi says
Thanks for sharing Glenda. I also mention not to use pool DE in this post and purchased mine from Home Depot in the garden department which is specifically for gardens and pets. I think that’s great advice about using food grade if you’re planing on using it for your personal items like a mattress. Good luck & thanks for sharing.
Lorraine Ciuba says
I have a problem with Ground Hogs. Anything to help with these pests?
Wendi says
Wow. Groundhogs? I had an issue once years ago but don’r remember what I did to rid the garden of the little pests. So sorry, you’ve stumped me on that one!
Pamala says
DE is an awesome product. I use it in my gardens and on ant beds…I also take three teaspoons and my little dog gets about a half a teaspoon everyday. It is completely safe as long as it is “Food Grade”. It has helped my stomach issues, not to mention the new growth in my hair and nails.
Wendi says
Thanks so much for sharing how you use DE. I love it. I’ve read a lot about the food grade benefits but haven’t tried it yet. Our local health food store carries food grade DE. I may have to try it too. I enjoy the feedback and personal stories my readers share. Thanks for sharing your experience & information too ๐
Norma says
Will it harm the good bugs & bees ?
Wendi says
Hi Norma, That’s a very good question! I believe DE would be harmful to all bugs and possibly bees too. Thats a very good point to think about when using DE in gardens. Thanks so much for asking your question.
Sam says
actually, my home is one of the few in my neighborhood that has bees and butterflies because the others use poison and I use the DE. I even found a site that said to put a plate of water with stones on it for the bees. they can get a drink without drowning. so of course I did! lol
Wendi says
Well, that’s interesting! I had another reader ask if DE was harmful to bees and I didn’t have a good answer. I hope she reads your response. Once again, thanks for contributing to the conversation:) & have good day!
Sam says
the reason it isn’t harmful to bees is that the way it kills the nasty pests like roaches is that it sucks all the moisture out of their bodies and since the bees have soft bodies instead of shells, they are safe.
also, a WARNING.. I have read that it is always a good idea to wear a mask when using DE because you don’t want to get it in your lungs and absorb liquid out of them. I have been a little lax about that but it can be harmful if inhaled.
Jan says
Wendi, the DE I found at Lowes had other chemicals in it. I ordered some pure food grade DE from Amazon.
Wendi says
Hi Jan. The DE for pest control probably does have other ingredients in it. I’m pretty sure it’s not harmful chemicals found in pesticides, especially since the package said it was safe for pets. Food grade is a good option if you want to be extra careful. I’ve found it in health food stores as well. Thanks so much for your visit and taking the time to comment.
Sam says
what you will usually find at lowes, home depot and those types of stores is a chemical grade DE used for pools. never use it as pest control. it is poisonous. the food grade I have found at Ace hardware and such. Also, there are no other ingredients. I get a 30lb bag for about $50 and it lasts about 3 years or more. (I do have a small house and lawn). also there are some good books on amazon on all the ways you can use DE. I sprinkle a little in my dog’s container of food. it keeps bugs out of the food and it is safe and good for our pets to eat. it is even good for us to eat. put a tablespoon in your OJ and clean out your system!
Wendi says
Thanks for sharing this info Sam. I do know that our local Home Depot carries a garden version of the DE for pest control, which is the package I used for my post. It’s always good to remind people not to use or DE for pools. You can go wrong with using food grade DE either! Thanks again for sharing ๐
Debbie says
I use this to control carpenter ants but I haven’t discovered where they’re coming in so the problem isn’t completely solved.
Also, I have a fear of inhaling the powder as I sprinkle it around because of the ‘shards’ ….I really don’t want those in my lungs.
What are your thoughts on inhaling (which I know is a remote possibility but I tend to worry about things that might interfere with my breathing ๐
Wendi says
Hi Debbie, Carpenter ants are awful to deal with! I believe once the DE powder has been spread around on the outside ground it’s fine. We are careful when we initially make a new application and like to use the little fabric dust protector masks to protect ourselve from breathing any of the DE that might be floating in the air. They even sell them at the Dollar Tree. Good luck with your carpenter ants!
Carmela says
Does this work well in vegetables garden?
Wendi says
I Carmela, I believe it does…I’m sure it works anywhere. Just read the package and manufacturer instructions to verify that it is ok to use around food. Thanks for visiting and your question!
Laura @ The Turquoise Home says
Thank you so much for this! We were planning on going to the store this weekend to find something, anything to kill the terrible ants! But I hate to use chemicals, so I will be going tomorrow and looking for this. Thanks again!!
Wendi says
Laura, You will love this stuff! We can’t use chemicals and I read about this somewhere. I thought I’d give it a try. It’s been a few months now and I’m crazy happy over how well it’s worked and I don’t need to worry about harmful chemicals near us, the water or our pets:)
Jenae says
Any suggestions that work for spiders? We have TONS of brown recluse where we live (and lots in our house).
Wendi says
Jenae, How scary! I don’t have any experience with spiders so I can’t say if it works. I suppose try it and see. Please let me know if it does or doesn’t work. You may also try a search for spider remedies on Hometalk too. Good luck & thanks for your comment:)
Jody says
I mix 1/4 cup witch hazel and peppermint oil tho they detest lemon, and fill up a spray bottle with water. Spray spiders. Dead. I spray up in the joists, the walls and have removed the webs. I loved Charlotte but hate creepy crawlies. Hope this helps. Came from mom4real blog.
Wendi says
Hi Jody and THANK YOU for sharing that tip! I love essential oils and keep expanding my knowledge on how to use them. I knew about the peppermint, but not the lemon and witch hazel. I have to try this too. I know the peppermint oil breaks the scent of the trail so others aren’t attracted to the same spot. Again…thanks for sharing ๐
shelley says
Spiders hate mint. Make a spray of water with peppermint essential oil. Shake before you spray. Use anywhere they can get into your home.
Wendi says
Shelley, Thanks for that info! Another reader mentioned that too. Spiders and I are not friends so I’ll be trying that out next time I see one!
Sam says
i have always had tons of spiders around my house and regularly saw one in the house until i ran across this recipe: 1 quart water, 1 ounce neem oil, and 4 drops of essential oil (lavender, cinnamon, peppermint, citronella, or tea tree). i sprayed this on and around all visible spider webs, around the windows and doors and all around my eaves around the house and all arund the screened in porch. almost all the spiders disappeared. it’s been about a year and i started to see a spider here and there so i sprayed again and they disappeared again.
very inexpensive and safe
i have been using DE for about 3 years on my lawn, around the outside of the house and inside the house. works better than the poison i use to pay too much money to get sprayed in and around my house!
Wendi says
Sam, Thanks so very much for sharing your spider remedy! I’ve had many people ask about spiders and they were such a problem in our last house in Texas. I’m saving this good info! We too love the DE and I feel good about using it around the house. Plus, it’s so affordable too! Thanks for visiting and your note.
Jane says
I am going to have to look for this here in Canada! I have not used chemicals ever and don’t want to start! Just need it for a few of the ants and things that like to move into the house! Thank you for sharing and for loving our environment!
Wendi says
Jane…You are so welcome! I hope you find the DE locally, if not I’m sure you can find it on the internet. I’m always on the lookout for natural ways to deal with home issues. Like you, we don’t use chemicals. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note & have a nice day:)
Sue says
Wow, I didn’t know this. We should cover Florida with it.
Wendi says
Sue, You’ll be happy you tried it… although I’m not sure Lowes or Home Depot stock enough to cover the state of Fl;) Thanks for stopping by!
Cher @ Designs by Studio C says
I did not know that something like DE existed! We have tons of bugs here including fire ants!!
Wendi says
Cher, Fire ants are the worst! I remember in New Orleans when my daughter was little she sat on a fire ant hill. It was awful!! – Don’t ask me what she was thinking… This stuff should take care of fire ants too. You’ll have to try it. Thanks for stopping by today:)
mary helen pena says
Where can I find this product? We spend lots of $$$ on fire ant killer and the ants only move to another spot. Would love to try this because of the results.
Wendi says
Mary, Fire ants are awful! Look in the garden department of Lowes or Home depot. Other readers have found it in feed stores too. Just be sure not to use the DE made for pools. I’m so happy with the way this has worked for us. Best of luck to you!
Betty says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We have outdoor cats and lots of visiting wildlife, and this is just perfect. Can’t wait to use your natural weed killer as well. New follower. ๐ (Found you through Fresh Idea Studio.)
Wendi says
Welcome Betty! I’m so glad you found my blog! Yes, we are always trying to find the balance between what is safe for everyone, us, the pets and the wildlife. I was thrilled to find the DE and have been using it for a few months now with good results. You’ll love the natural weed killer too! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note and once again, welcome!